I have purchased a traditional MAGIC 8 BALL for my home and one for the office and I have loaded a MAGIC 8 BALL app for my phone for all other occasions. So it occurs to me that certain questions should probably not be asked. For instance, Should I slap the crap out of my annoying co-worker? And if the Magic 8 ball answer is “Signs point to yes” or “It is decidedly so” I could get fired and then I would not be able to afford internet service and the blog would go away. So I will stay away from questions that will get me fired or put into jail.
Ok…...... question for the Magic 8 ball. Should I blow off Yoga class tonight to go have hot monkey sex with my boyfriend? Shakey Shakey Shakey..... Magic 8 ball says: Cannot predict now. Oh come on!!!! Well fine……. I will ask again in a little bit. Should I blow off Yoga class tonight to have hot monkey sex with my boyfriend? Shakey Shakey Shakey..... Magic 8 Ball says: It is decidedly so.
Why thank you so much Magic 8 ball!!!!!