So the first day of the magic 8 ball experiment and…....well...…… I blow it. I don't do what the Magic 8 Ball says to do and it goes really bad for me. I spent the weekend, well not the whole weekend but a part of the weekend cleaning my windows and I finally got them all sparkly and then I wake this morning (Monday) and we had a huge rain storm overnight and now they are all spotty again. See this is my KARMA for not listening to the Magic 8 Ball. So just to make sure I burn it into my brain. I WILL LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAGIC 8 BALL TELLS ME TO DO! I WILL LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAGIC 8 BALL TELLS ME TO DO! I WILL LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAGIC 8 BALL TELLS ME TO DO!
It’s another Manic Monday at my job and I’m feeling, oh I don’t know, a little bored and tad bit rebellious. I have this co-worker who has this one pet peeve. She can’t stand it when people fill up the printer with paper and leave the wrapper that the paper comes in just sitting on the counter. It makes her CRAZY! So I, like any good co-worker, have been collecting all the paper wrappers for one glorious work moment. And I’m kinda thinking’ today just might be the day.
Guess I shall have to ask the Magic 8 Ball if today is the day. Magic 8 Ball is today the day that I should decorate my co-workers desk with all of the copy paper wrappers I have been saving? Shakey Shakey Shakey……..Magic 8 Ball says: It is decidedly so. Well this is gonna be a funday Monday after all!!!! I will have to wait till she leaves for the day to hatch my plan but it will be so worth it! I also know to expect a payback at some point. Thank you Magic 8 Ball for the Funday Monday!!!!!