Today is February 1st 2012. I know that I am dreading the months ahead like most all Americans because this is an election year. The thought of having to stomach the never ending negative campaigns is enough to make you want to throw your TV out the window or at least have your own personal “Network” moment. For those of you too young to remember the movie “Network”……...rent it on Netflix.
My personal opinion is that we should take a page from American Idol and have a show where people get to audition to be a candidate. We go thru the exact same process and ultimately it goes down to the American people ….whoever is left standing becomes a candidate. It can’t be worse than the crop we have right now.
I should also tell you that I am a registered Independent. I have no party affiliation…. I don’t necessarily agree with the politics of either the democrats or the republicans. I will also be the first to tell you that I despise politics. No…. I effing hate it. I hate it in the work place and in the state house, the congress, the senate and the White House. MY motto I take from Rodney King after he had the shit beat out of him in the streets of L.A. when he said “Can’t we all just get along.” I mean really…….is it that hard?
Ok so here’s the thing……………Mitt Romney makes my skin crawl. Seriously…..I don’t know why……… but he makes my skin crawl and from being on this planet for far too many years than I will admit to…I know one thing. When I get the skin crawl feeling….even if I don’t know why…. There is ALWAYS a very good reason and on this I am never wrong. So please stupid people…my gut is telling me he is a very very bad dude…admittedly I have no idea why I am reacting this way but my skin crawly feeling is enough to tell me run fast and furiously away from this guy.
So here is the Magic 8 Ball question…..maybe of the year….. Magic 8 Ball……… Would electing Mitt Romney be detrimental to the United States? Shakey…………. Shakey………………. Shakey……………… and the answer is: It Is Decidedly So. See…….the Skin Crawly Feeling NEVER fails me!