I know I stated on here before that the boyfriend and I have broken up. So in an effort to “get back out there” I am trying different things to meet people. My favorite is going to the designated Pittsburg Steelers bar and watching Steelers games. I have done that a few times but I have to be in the mood and in the right head space to walk into a bar alone and sit and watch a game by myself. People are usually pretty good about talking to you, but, you do have to be prepared to just sit by yourself at the bar if no one will strike up a conversation with you and that requires being in a certain head space.
I do not want to try internet dating again. I tried that before the x-boyfriend and it was a nightmare. I know, I know, I have heard all the stories about people meeting and getting together on the internet and then getting married but the times I have met people they don’t look like their pictures, they say they don’t smoke then show up smelling like a smoking lounge from my high school days. So I am taking a different approach to it.
A friend of mine suggested we attend a singles supper club. It’s a group of people that get together and meet at different restaurants to check out the food. I think it is a great concept. We get there and it is a pretty large group of people. There are 6 women to every man there which is to be expected. The thing I like about it is you get to check out different restaurants that you might not even know about. My friend and I sit down next to a gentlemen who seems to be the best of the male species in the group and another gentlemen joins us. We sit at the end of the table and I am forced to sit next to KC, very nice gentlemen with absolutely no people skills and in desperate need of a make over to get him up to the year 2012. He is sporting a hairdo from the 1970’s. I feel bad for him because no one will talk to him so I engage him in conversation. It was like pulling teeth to talk to him. He is a very sweet man just does not have any viable social skills to engage in conversation.
The food was half way decent and my work friend and I enjoyed our time out together so it was not a wasted night and the concept is such that we shall probably do this again.
A few weeks have passed and they have a new restaurant picked. This time it is by my house but I have never been there so we decide to go once again. My work friend got there before me and failed to call or text to give me warning of what I was walking into. I barely got into the place before KC was at my side and stayed there all night. Which brings me to the Magic 8 Ball Question.
I felt sorry for the guy cause he is a bit weird and absolutely no one would engage him in conversation. In talking to him I did learn that he was a very sweet man with a steady job. He just had no social skills. I was brought up to always be nice to people and to “do unto others as you would want done unto you”. ….which is the reason I decided to engage in a conversation with him. If I was out in a group I would want someone to come over and talk to me. I would not want to sit there with 30 people and feel left out and isolated. The end result of me being nice is that now when I go to these supper clubs I have him stuck to my left side from the moment I walk in to the moment I leave. Which brings us to the Magic 8 Ball Question. Should I be like everyone else and ignore him? Magic 8 Ball Answer is: My reply is no.
That makes me feel better because despite the fact that he is annoying I still feel like if no one else is going to extend their hand to this man, there should be at least one person who does and I guess that will just have to be me. I would want someone to do that for me if the tables were turned.