Apartment living can sometimes be challenging. For instance, I have a bunch of flowers out on my balcony to try to have a bit of “ Zen” going on outside my living room windows. Watering all these plants can be a bit of a challenge since the only way to do so is to load up a two gallon watering can and make the trip back and forth from the kitchen to the balcony. To speed up this process I decided to add a 2 gallon painter’s bucket to alternate with the watering can.
On about my 10th trip back to the kitchen I came back to a lovely fountain exploding all over my kitchen where upon inspection it became evident the faucet attached to my kitchen sink had just fallen off. There was water everywhere. I mean everywhere!!! Alll over me, all over the kitchen floor and the cabinets,the counters…..everywhere!!! I finally got the water turned off and started getting things cleaned up and made the first attempt to reattach the faucet back to the sink hardware. First attempt…..no luck…… it fell right back off once I turn the water on. It should also be said that when God was handing out patience I was apparently standing in some other line. So second attempt…again it just fell off. I guess it’s time to call the apartment complex to have their handy man come over with proper tools to reattach this. I make the call only to be informed that it will have to be sometime tomorrow before they can get to me because this is not considered and emergency by "their" standards. So now I have no kitchen sink till at least this time tomorrow night. Sounds like it’s time for the Magic 8 Ball.
Magic 8 Ball…..should I try to fix this myself? Shakey Shakey Shakey……..Concentrate and Ask Again……. Magic 8 Ball......should I try to fix this myself? Shakey Shakey Shakey……..Signs Point To Yes. Well alright then. Looks like I have myself a lesson in patience and plumbing. I never like lessons in patience and.... well..... plumbing..... the most I know about plumbing is that I hate plumber’s crack.
This might just be amusing trying to fix this. My next attempt will be made bare handed. This time, with most of the water out of the way, I just might be successful. I think maybe if I just keep screwing this thing down...I really don't know what it is called....even after it feels like it’s back on maybe it will actually hold once I turn the water on. OR it doesn’t and I blow off the lesson in patience and leave it to the professionals. Ok.....now for the test. I will turn on the water ever so slowly so if it doesn’t hold I will not have the fountain spraying in my kitchen again. So far so good. Now I will turn the water up full force. Oh My God….it’s holding…… I fixed it!!!!! Wow what a great feeling!!!! Time for the white girl dance around the kitchen!!